Bach Flower Remedies

  • UK Registered Energy Medicine – Relieve Emotions, Balance Personality Traits, Calming Effects for: Stress, sleeping issues due to stress, exhaustion, fears, anxieties, depress, panic, trauma, learning or concentration issues, low self esteem issues, children with special needs, midlife crisis, relationship issues, enhance quality of life and etc.
  • Help us to relieve fear, loneliness, over sensitivity, despondency, uncertainty, insufficient interest and over care; enhance energies of courage, content, stability, joyfulness, clarity, enthusiasm and acceptance.
  • Simple, natural, safe, affordable: Suitable for babies, children, adults, elderly, animals and plants.

There are 38 remedies in the Bach remedy system. All of them were discovered in the 1920s and 1930s by Dr Edward Bach, a well-known bacteriologist, physician and pathologist.

Each remedy is associated with a basic human emotion. Mimulus for example, is the remedy for when we are anxious or afraid about something specific. Taking the remedy helps us overcome our fear and face it with courage.

Dr Bach designed his system to be simple. It may seem daunting at first, but anybody can learn how to use it, and on this site you will find all you need to get you started. Most remedies are sold in liquid form, and the idea is that you will mix together the remedies you need so that the mix of remedies matches your current emotional situation. Like Dr Bach, we believe that healing on an emotional level has knock-on effects on other levels: a healthy emotional life and a balanced personality will allow your body to find its own natural state of health.

Use the information here to look up every remedy and find out what it is for. We tell you how to select and take the remedies, and how they are made and we have lots of recommendations for further reading if you want to know more. You can also learn a bit about the philosophy of simplicity that underpins the system and the work of the Bach Centre.

*The above simple explanation about Bach flower remedy is extracted from Bach Centre’s website. For more information, please refer to

7 Groups 38 Bach

  • For Those Who Have Fear
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  • For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty
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  • For Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances
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  • For Loneliness
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  • For Those Over-Sensitive to Influences and Ideas
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  • For Despondency and Despair
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  • For Overcare For The Welfare of Others
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5 flowers rescue combination

RM60 / 10ml

It is a blend of five different remedies: Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Star of Bethlehem, Clematis. It is famous and widely used by people and celebrities all over the world.

It was created by Dr Bach to deal with emergencies and crises, for the moments when there is no time to make a proper individual selection of remedies. It can be used to help us get through any stressful moments.

It is a natural stress relief that effective in virtually any situation that causes stress or anxiety. Helps restore a sense of calm and control.

Gentle, safe, effective remedy for the whole family.

Take 4 drops in a small glass of water, sip at intervals, or can also be taken by placing 4 drops directly into your mouth.

The crisis formula is designed to help deal with immediate problems. If you are dealing with underlying problem or emotions, or if you need rescuing frequently, you may select a personal blend of remedies to help you for a longer term solution.

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5 flowers rescue cream


The rescue cream contains the same five remedies as the liquid, with the addition of the Crab Apple, the cleansing remedy. Dr Bach assistant Nora Week put together this solution by early 1960s. The cream is also an emergency combination, it is convenient to apply on the skin or externally to bumps and bruises of all kinds.

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