We had our first Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner Training Course in Malaysia. This is indeed a significant milestone for Bach Flower Malaysia, and also the big step for all the students, on their journey to become Bach Flower Remedy Practitioners in near future.
We are glad to have Maggie Evans from U.K. to train the students. She is a wonderful teacher with her friendliness, congeniality and good knowledge about Bach Flower Remedies. It was an intensive, interesting and enjoyable course, students have benefited a lot from the course.
Our heartiest gratitude to Maggie and best wishes to the students in their exam and course works. We are looking forward to have more Bach Flower Remedy Practitioners in future to help to promote this wonderful healing system, furthermore to educate people to aware of the importance of emotional health for better emotional balance and well beings.
Lastly, It is truly our great pleasure to organize this course. Love to all!
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